Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss began in 2011 with the goal of creating an ‘umbrella website’ for teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing and others who care for or educate children with hearing loss. Supporting Success was built on the concept of making practical information readily available, resulting in the current resource-packed website, products, Teacher Tools Takeout materials marketplace, and our Supporting Success Courses. We want to help YOU to help children who are deaf or hard of hearing to succeed.

YES – we love Purchase Orders! FAX your PO to: 480-393-4331.

You MUST include an email contact and phone number on your PO. 

To get enrolled in our courses your purchase order must specify A) first/last name, B) email address, C) title of course for every individual you want to access one or more courses.  You can fax POs or email scanned purchase orders to: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Remit payments to:

Success for Children with Hearing Loss
12094 Anderson Rd/Suite 347
Tampa, FL 33625

Refunds: In the case of mistakenly enrolling in a course title, we will refund the cost of course enrollment if a request is received within one week of the time of enrollment. Customers are provided 365 days of access to view courses. Due to this we will not refund courses that were not completed.

Contact: [email protected]

Core Goals of Supporting Success are:

  1. Provide persons who work with students who are deaf or hard of hearing, and their families, the resources to fulfill our mission “to improve the futures of children with hearing loss.”

  2. Maintain a growing bank of free informationrelevant to supporting child development and student success, including free Update newsletters[inappropriate link] with topical information sent to over 15,000 subscribers twice monthly

  3. Provide products for sale that have been specifically selected to support the success of students with hearing loss, offered at a price equal to, or lower than, all other sources
    a. Develop and publish resources when gaps are identified through Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss Publications
    b. Provide information and instructional materials specifically for use with students who are deaf and hard of hearing via Teacher Tools Takeout marketplace

  4. Provide relevant and practical professional development specifically for teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing and others who support school success of these students via SupportingSuccessCourses.com and professional presentations upon invitation to school districts, regional programs, and relevant conference venues. We also offer Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss Virtual Conferences specific to the interests of itinerant teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing, at as low a cost as possible, with practical presentations to improve teacher knowledge and instruction

  5. Strengthen knowledge on student rights for improved advocacy for the purpose of improving student eligibility, communication access in school (including Streamer speech-to-text captioning and MyASLTech.com) appropriate levels of specialized instruction to allow students the opportunity to achieve at the rate and to the level of their class peers. Coming soon – Q & A for YOU!

Information about the Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss logo

The ‘hands up’ image in the background of the logo was selected to reflect our commitment to full participation by students with hearing loss; in the classroom, socially, and in their communities. The spiral behind the people was incorporated into the logo to indicate both the interactive nature of communication and the multitude of ways in which hearing loss may impact the life and learning of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. The woman and child figure represents either a parent and child or a teacher and student. Within the people image, pointing to the ear was chosen to dually reflect both the beginning of the sign for ‘deaf’ and the potential emphasis on listening, thereby embracing both auditory and visual communication modes.

Why do we use ‘children with hearing loss’ rather than ‘deaf and hard of hearing’?

There are differing opinions that have changed over time regarding how to refer to the population of persons with hearing loss. The term “children with hearing loss” was purposely selected. The terms “Deaf” and “hard of hearing” do not necessarily coincide with audiometric hearing thresholds. As children enter adolescence who have functioned as hard of hearing there are a significant number who choose to identify with the Deaf community. The terms “Deaf” and “hard of hearing” relate to ‘personal identity’ and reflect cultural preferences. It is up to the individual to define their own identity.

Research from 2003 indicated that 56% of hard of hearing teens (11, 13, 15 years) identify themselves as having a “hearing problem” and not as having a disability (hard of hearing or hearing impaired). For these children, their preference is to be identified as neither deaf, Deaf nor hard of hearing. Also, families of children who are early identified and receive early amplification and intervention are increasingly choosing listening and speaking as the preferred communication modality they use with their child (over 90% in some places). With this in mind, it is reasonable to assume that the numbers of children who do not identify themselves as either deaf or hard of hearing will increase.

The choice of “children with hearing loss” for this website is not meant as a slight to the Deaf community who feel that they have experienced no ‘loss’ nor is it meant to reinforce a medical approach to ‘fixing’ persons with hearing loss. In view of the phenomenon of increasing numbers of children identifying themselves only as persons with a ‘hearing problem’ and in recognition that the terms Deaf and hard of hearing are personal identity and cultural choices, it is a sign of respect for this personal choice that the term “children with hearing loss” is used throughout this website.

Kent, B. (2003). Identity issues for hard of hearing adolescents aged 11, 13 and 15 in mainstream setting. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 8(3), 315-324.