Getting Through to Teachers: Accessing the General Education Curriculum
CourseThis interview will help professionals working with students who have hearing loss, determine how to assess accessibility and provide suggestions for increasing students ability to access information through many channels.
Unilateral Hearing Loss IS Important!
CourseDr. Nicole Corbin as she talks about unilateral hearing loss from an audiologists perspective, and explains how unilateral losses can impact access and the needs for specific accommodations and modifications in the general education classroom.
Autobiographical Memory and Theory of Mind
CourseIn this course, participants will be provided information on the implications of hearing loss on fatigue, theory of mind, and autobiographical memory.
Providing Appropriate Academic Support - Skill Development, Not Tutoring
CourseIn learning about the three domains of learning and specific skill hierarchies, this session will provide assessments to determine present skill levels and instructional strategies to improve skill development in all areas of curriculum content.
Meeting Unique Student Needs in Changing Times
CourseThis training will discuss the issues of students with hearing loss not receiving appropriately intensive services, focus and provide strategies for working with administrators and school teams to advocate for appropriate services.
Five Keys to Learning - Specific Instructional Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes
CourseStudent success is profoundly influenced by the quality of interaction with adults. Systematic scientific study has indicated five specific instructional strategies that when used, positively impact learning. These 5 strategies will be described.