Preparing Students for College or Work Success, Not Just High School

by Gail Wright

During this session, you will explore skills that students with hearing loss need to have to be successful no matter what their path will be. When we are working with all ages of students, we are preparing them for life, not just high school.

Promo Video

Preparing Students for College or Work Success, Not Just High School

Course Curriculum

    1. Preparing Students - Module 1 - 23 minutes

    2. Preparing Students - Module 2 - 26 minutes

    3. Preparing Students - Module 3 - 18 minutes

    4. Quiz - Preparing Students for College or Work Success

    5. COURSE EVALUATION - Preparing Students for College or Work Success

    6. ASHA Verification Form - Preparing Students for College or Work

    7. LSLS CEU Letter - Preparing Students for College or Work Success

    8. ISBE Professional Development Hours

    9. RID Directions for Interpreters

    10. More Options for Success

3 Learner Outcomes

  • Name all the skills that are part of Self-Determination
  • Refer to resources to help different aged students walk through the decision-making process
  • Name the 8 Characteristics of Successful People as identified by Paul Jacobs PhD

Meet Your Instructor

Gail Wright

Gail Wright earned her BS DHH teaching degree, a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, an Administration and Supervision Certificate, and a certificate in Auditory and Spoken Language for the Young Child. Gail has worked in a self-contained program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, as DHH Program Administrator but her first love is as an Itinerant Teacher, teaching all ages and a variety of subjects. She is currently serving approximately 30 students across 3 school districts in 14 buildings. Gail is the author of the Monkey Talk and Hear It, Fix It games and is co-author of Building Skills for Independence in the Mainstream with Karen Anderson.